The Gates of Hell
Improvisers dish on how they survive what is traditionally considered the most punishing part of an improvathon. Having done over 25 improvathons, Mark Meer misses the visions and the madness that occur on his second night when the body and mind truly frays under the weight of sleep deprivation. He…
Preparing for Improvathons
IMPROVATHONS: FAIL TO PREPARE, PREPARE FOR SUCCESS Ruth Bratt’s improvathon preparation over the past 15 years has begun by helping put together the event. Many actors who play leading roles in the show also lend a hand. Bratt has, in the past, cooked meals. However, she doesn’t reccomend it. “Cooking…
The History of Improvathons
Where did these improvathons start, and why? The first improvathon began as a one-off charity event to save a theatre from becoming a restaurant. What would become the Varscona Theatre in Edmonton Canada had been jointly run by the Chinook Children’s Theatre and the Edmonton International Fringe Festival until 1993.…